It's still incredible.

Halo 3 is the only game I really play on the Xbox 360. I've got some borrowed games from CyberKnight, and a few Xbox Arcade games, but nothing has prevented me from enjoying what is now my favorite game of all time.
I spend most of my time playing Lone Wolves, but I believe I've truly reached the end of my growth there. I dropped to 29 again and clawed my way back to 30 today. It's been more than a month now that I've been at 30, so I think this is it. I played with a guy the other day (who was fortunately on my team) who was a General - Skill 50. He ended up with 28 kills. I had 6 or 8, I can't remember.
I went back and watched the film of the battle from his perspective. He spent the whole time with the sniper rifle and the battle rifle, and destroyed anyone of the opposite color foolish enough to play on the same map as him.
I've also started spending more of an effort to collect all the skulls and terminals. I think I have 1 or 2 terminals left, and 4 or 5 skulls. They are hard to find, but it helps to go through the level in Theater Mode and look for them that way.
I also need about 190 points worth of Achievements, including all of the metagame point achievements, Mongoose Mowdown, the SPARTAN laser one, 5 sticks, and a few more. I don't know if I'll ever get them all, but it does make the game have long term goals.
However, I am beginning to suspect that my favorite thing to do in Halo 3 is to play team slayer with my clan. There's something about having fun with those guys (and gals) that make Halo 3 even better. It is an interesting juxtaposition from Lone Wolves, where I turn off the other players and usually don't even bother wearing my mic. I might as well be playing AI bots. But playing with your friends, and then laughing at the antics that ensued and fun that was had by all is always entertaining, and I find myself wishing I didn't have to go to bed and could stay up all night playing. Darn day job!
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