As I've played more and more, however, I've improved. Some of it is learning the maps more fully. I've also watched better players that I've played and analyzed their tactics in Theater. Don't laugh, it works. I've seen some incredible game play from some people.
When I got Halo I had several goals. One of them was to make officer. At the rate I was getting owned by everyone and their little sister, I wasn't sure even that would be obtainable. Then something happened: I realized I was good at the game type Crazy King in Lone Wolves. For some reason, I always win. Seriously, I don't have the stats, but I probably win the game 90% of the time. And when I do, my skill goes up one.
With Slayer I can win some and lose some, but usually play well enough to at least not drop more than a point in Skill over multiple matches. But Oddball kills me every time. I always veto Oddball, because I inevitably get to the ball and die, and by the time I respawn, some chump is running around with it like he stole it. (I know, that's kind of the point.)
Last night I was off to a quick start, getting two kills right off the bat in Slayer on the level Epitaph. Then I got caught making a run for the active camo and was gunned down. From there went several tense minutes as the others piled up the kills. With time almost expired, I was down by at least five kills.
Then something happened.
I started to win. I got a hammer, and wore it out on everyone. I got a killing frenzy. I melee'd some folks. I shot some folks. I ran for my life when my shields went red and blinky. And as the time expired, I looked at the result.

That's right, I won by seven kills. This is by far the biggest margin of victory I've personally had in any lobby (ranked, social, Halloween). So I went back and watched what I did and how I did it. Then I tried to replicate it. It didn't work as well. As I write this my skill in Lone Wolves has gone from 27 to 25 as I try for the all-elusive Colonel rank, which is a star.
Oh well, no matter. There's more where this came from - at least on the days where I'm extremely lucky.
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